Financial matters connected to a marriage breakdown can feel overwhelming. It is understandable to feel worried about your short-term position as well as how your family's future financial position will look.
Dealing with how matrimonial assets, such as the family home, are to be dealt with can be a daunting prospect for many people.
Advice offered will cover:
Exploring options for resolving a financial case and the costs associated with these options
The drawing up of a Separation Agreement or Consent Order to reflect the settlement reached
Preparing and filing all paperwork necessary for a financial hearing and representing you through the court process.
We will support and guide you, offering options as to how a settlement can be achieved, perhaps without court involvement if this is possible. This can include:
What are the different ways an agreement on finances could be reached?
Whether or not it is necessary for divorce proceedings to have started before financial matters can be resolved
If your priority is to reach a financial settlement without a divorce, we can discuss the option of a separation agreement
What happens where an agreement cannot be reached by negotiation or mediation? If this means an application to the court is required, how much will this cost and how long could this take?
Advice will be given about the court process, how many hearings may take place and what criteria the court takes into account
When looking at a financial settlement, we can also discuss how hearings are currently taking place remotely - usually via telephone or sometimes via video link - and what that entails.
For more information, or to book an appointment, call 01325 804751 or email donna@donnasandallfamilylaw.co.uk​